Monday, June 20, 2011

Its Your Birthday

One thing we all have in common is a birthday. There are lots of different traditions we have to celebrate a birthday including a birthday cake with candles, singing Happy Birthday, buying that special present he wants or, if your like me, make a last minute run to the bookstore to get a present for the party.
Today is my sister's birthday. My wife baked a cake, I am going to make a run to the store before the party, and I  imagine we will embarrass her by getting the restaurant staff to sing her a birthday song.
So here is a birthday prayer for her and all the birthday boys and girls. For what can be a greater gift than God's gift of new birth.

Let us Pray

O God who made the oceans swell and the mountains rise, you bring each of us into this world to live, love and laugh. We give thanks for our birthday girl (boy) and rejoice in all the good gifts we see in her. We ask your blessings upon her as she ages with hope and joy. Bless her with health, prosperity and love, especially from us, the ones who love her the most. May her days be filled with joy and her nights find peace and rest. May your Spirit bring wisdom as she ages, and may her years be marked by the ability to overcome the obstacles and challenges that life brings her.

We pray these things as her friends and family. Amen.


  1. Would love to see some more prayers! I use this occasionally and appreciate your words saying what is in my heart/mind. God bless!

  2. Thanks so much Sharon (I presume that is your name. Please check some of the videos and the ebook at the link "Prayers 2 Pray".
