Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A prayer for Peace in Politics

It's nearly a year and a half until the next election, yet the passion, the name-calling, the accusations and campaigning for the November 2012 elections has already begun. Every election there seems to be a higher level of vitriol that should be reached in order to beat the incumbent, and this year seems to top them all. Perhaps there is something about the American psyche that thrives on superlatives and name calling.
What's even more disturbing is that many of Jesus' followers are involved in this orgy of hate on television. Why is it that people, and even more importantly, disciples of the Prince of Peace are so anxious to sling words that are filled with anger? Are there limits to what can or should be said by politicians?
Maybe that should be the litmus test we Christians should apply to our political leaders. Let us judge them not by whether we agree or disagree with them, or whether they voted up or down on a particular bill, but on the violence in their words.
James 3 says, "the tongue is a fire... It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of her life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell."
Is this what we want in our leaders?

Let us pray.
O God of peace, our words can bring healing waters or they can start a fire to burn the world. Give us ears to know the difference and how to speak with peace. Teach us ways to calm our passions that they may be guided with love and hope. Help us to listen to the news and find peace and hope. Lead us away from those who would tempt us into violence or anger. The freedoms we enjoy can not be built on accusations, lies or deceit but on peace and hope. Give wisdom to see behind motives of greed, power and ego so that all your children will find peace and hope. Amen.

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