Friday, February 11, 2011

6 months after

Today is February 11th, exactly six months after September 11th, the day many we remember as a day of violence and terror. September 11th will always be a painful day when we gather together to pray for those who were lost in 2001. But, February 11th, 2011, ten years and six months after the falling of the twin towers, we watched as the Egyptians peacefully changed their nation for the sake of freedom. We as Americans can learn something from the Egyptians. For in their quest for peace, they stopped their protests no matter what they were doing to pray. Was there ever a peaceful Christian revolution brought about by peace and prayer? Perhaps Martin Luther King was right. Non-violence, prayer and protest can go together. It is time for us to pray for peace, and demand that those who would keep power illegitimately, listen to our prayers.

Let us pray....
O God of peace, we give thanks for new found freedom and liberty in the world. The quest for dignity and freedom has not been quelled by guns and power. Teach us O God, the lessons that Moses learned when he depended upon your strong hand. Just as he did not tolerate the despotic rule of Pharaoh, so, we too will no longer live where brothers and sisters do not have peace. Let us rejoice, Lord God and celebrate with those finding peace, but even more, let us work and struggle with those who have yet to drink of the sweet joy of liberty. Amen.

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