Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A prayer for liberty

As I listen to the news this morning, I am amazed at the courage of protesters in Libya. The long throttle Qaddafi has held on freedom in Libya seems to be at an end, but at what price? Taking freedom and liberty for granted is second nature to Americans. Oppression became the status-quo in Egypt and Libya until now. The Egyptians and Libyans have reminded us that freedom is costly and worth the risks it takes to achieve it.
As we pray for those seeking liberty and freedom from oppression, let us hold our values of liberty high, and pray that we will not be seduced by opportunists or marketeers who would try to change our freedoms into cliches or simple slogans.
Let us pray...
O God of liberty, your call to hope is heard around the globe. Tyrants cannot stand when freedom enters into the hearts of your people. No matter where your children are, no matter how they speak to or about you, you desire them to be free. We pray for those who are held prisoner, who live in fear for their lives, who are not able to choose their government or who do not have the simple freedoms we cherish. We ask for the Spirit of peace and justice to move in these lands and bring hope to the places of darkness.
May our leaders hold the tyrants accountable. May old alliances that were built upon the sands of convenience, money and greed crumble, and may the Kingdom of God be the shining example of hope throughout the world. We pray these things in the name of the one who is truly powerful and gives liberty and hope to all, even Jesus Christ. Amen.

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