Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Praying with a bat

My grandson tried out for little league last week, and of course, he got on the team. I have no doubt that his father's coaching ability and enthusiasm for the game had no small part in him making the team. I asked him what position he was going to play, and after a long silence with some "mmmm"'s and "uhhhh"'s, he said that he was going to be the guy who stood in the middle of the field, but couldn't remember what they called him. But even so, he will tell his dad takes a video of the game, so I can watch him.
We need to pray for our children as they pick up the bat and try something new, even when they haven't a clue what they are doing.
Let us pray....
O God of play and sport, you have blessed us with games and fun. Our lives are too busy with papers, meetings, calendars and agendas. Give us the wisdom to play, and even more importantly, to teach our children to play. Give us fresh creativity every day. Show us how to sit on the floor and build legos with our children. Lead our hearts so that we spend more time playing baseball, reading books or trying out our children's favorite video game.
Lord, you invited all children to come to you. Let our lives be an invitation as well so they may think of us as good playmates to be trusted and loved. Keep our hearts pure so our children can learn by example. Remind us to focus on the gifts of joy, hope and play, and how we are often led into the Kingdom of God by children.

Another possible prayer for little league is:
Dear Lord Jesus, bless Suzy (or Johnny) as she plays today. Let her have fun, and enjoy laughing and playing with new friends. Let her know that no matter what happens, I am very proud of her and know she is a wonderful and incredible girl. Bless all the kids who are playing and keep them safe. As she holds that bat, we know that whether she hits the ball or does not, she will have done her best. Bless us all, in Jesus name!

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